Various links to other social media and sites that I am connected to.
- Youtube Page – where I post videos from trips and activities, most often kayak related.
- Facebook Page
- Personal Blog – this Blog talks about various subjects ranging from news items to politics to interesting things that happen to me during my daily life. Likely this will get integrated into this WordPress page at some point.
- Expand Abroad Blog – this Blog is for my consulting business (called Expand Abroad Consulting). It covers various issues of interest to someone who is considering starting a business or expanding into new geographies (what my consulting company deals with).
- Studying in Japan 2005 – this Blog is one I wrote when I was studying Japanese at Yamasa Institute in the Fall of 2005. As I have finished the trip, there won’t be any new posts to this (unless I get in the mood to reminisce).
- Studying in Japan 2003 – same as above, but from the 12 weeks I studying in Japan back in 2003. No new posts are added to this one either.
- Living in Asia 2000-01 – this is from when I lived in Asia in 2000-2001. I was based in Korea, but traveling all over Asia, back to the States, and even the odd trip to Europe. I sure racked up a lot of frequent flier miles back then. This was created before Blog software was around, so is all hard-coded HTML pages (so no way to post comments). Nothing new is posted here any more.
- And, kind of, one more – Passion Trail Bikes. This is not actually my Blog, but one that I am a frequent contributor to. Passion Trail Bikes is a bicycle store that I am helping get started, and one way I am helping is in the marketing. Writing for the Blog is an offshoot of that.